Implementation of the RSA encryption algorithm
This is the first program I ever built in C# as a revision method to help me revise the RSA encryption algorithm.
This program is an implementation of RSA allowing the encrypting and decrypting of numbers using public and private keys.
This program is available as a standalone .exe which runs in the command line and doesn't require installation.
- This program is extremly basic and only works with numbers, and commands when prompted. No exceptions or validation are included, so the program will crash if a number is required and not detected.
To get this program to work correctly both decrypting and encrypting numbers some prior knowledge of RSA is required. However you can use these keys to correctly encrypt/decrypt numbers less than n.
- p = 3
- q = 11
- n = 33
- encryption exponent = 3
- decryption exponent = 7
- This program is free of viruses and other malicious code, however if you do not wish to download I have provided the source code.